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“I’m not signing up for your spam.” -Skeptical Internet Person

We won’t spam you, we promise. We’ll only send you an email when one of our blog posts goes live. And because we like you, we'll even include a few bonus links to recipes, cooking tips, videos, and other food-related content that we enjoy!

what’s in a typical newsletter:

  • A brief intro written by Brittany, usually rambling about something food-related

  • Our latest blog post (as promised!)

  • 3 YouTube videos that made us drool

  • A very brief sponsor or an affiliate link (that you can ignore if you want)

  • A throwback to a past blog post that we wrote

you should sign up if…

  • You’re a super cool person 😎

  • You ❤️ food

  • You want to get fun mail in your inbox — you’re tired of just getting emailed by Nigerian princes who have money to give you

What are you waiting for? Sign up! Or don’t. Why’d you click this link then anyways?